"What you posses can change your future." So many christians are always waiting for more and asking God for more before they get involved, and/or offer unto the Lord. Most of the time we posses the resources (right now) that we need to accomplish the task at hand, or to offer what we posses now, at this level, for God to bless you with more.
The Bible, Gods word, is very clear on using what you posses now to go to the next level or make a change. Lets see what the word says. In Mark 12:41-44, we see where a poor widow women moved Jesus with what she possessed and offered unto God. In the natural or to most, she didn't have enough to accomplish anything. However, "What you posses now, when offered or given unto the Lord, is enough to get you out of the season you are in."
According to 1 Kings 17:8-16, a widow women had a little flour and some oil getting ready to make a meal, feed her family, and die. This was all she had left, but when she obeyed the voice of the Lord and offered what she possessed, circumstances changed immediately. To her it didn't appear to be enough, however, God's ways are different than our ways. God is a multiplier.
Are you getting it yet? You posses everything that you need to get yourself out of the season you are in and into the next season God intends for you to be in. We must be faithful with little first before we are promoted over much. (Matthew 25:21-Faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.) We must learn to walk in faith, we must learn to be resourceful, make lemonade out of lemons, and give God something to work with.
Lets look at another passage of scripture. In 1 Samuel 17 is the story of David and Goliath. The Israelite army possessed much, what we think should have done the job, however, they did not know how to effectively use what they possessed. On the other hand, David possessed exactly what he needed to graduate him to the next level and he new how to use what he possessed. Who would ever think that a stone offered to God in faith could ever promote David, the little shepherd boy, to King David, the man after God's own heart?
Christians, Pastors, begin to look at what you have at your disposal right now. Begin to look around at your resources and see what is not being used effectively. Remember this, "If what you posses is not enough to be your harvest, it is seed. " You have everything you need right now to get to the next level. I challenge you today to begin to be faithful with every tool God has entrusted you with. Begin to see through eyes of faith and begin to see the potential of the things (tools,equipment) that you posses; it is enough when used wisely... With God all things are possible.
Scripture: Mark 12:41-44, 1 Kings 17:8-16, Matthew 25:14-30, 1 Samuel 17.....
Pastor Richard R. Summerlin